一、 主要研究方向
二、 主要科研成果(不超过10个)
[1]. 频率域航空电磁法数据可视化调平方法研究,国家863项目。
[2]. 基于随机等效介质复介电常数模型的GPR探测与反演研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2011,60万。
[3]. 探月雷达方法与多参数反演研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015,69万。
[4]. 机载探地雷达数据噪声压制研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2015,20万。
[5]. 考虑磁化率的三维频率域航空电磁法高阶矢量有限元数值模拟,河北省自然科学基金2021,6万。
三、 代表性论文及著作(不超过10篇)
[1] 2.5D forward modeling and inversion of frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic data, Applied Geophysics, 2016, 13(1), 37-47.
[2] 2.5D Inversion Algorithm of Frequency-Domain Airborne Electromagnetics with Topography, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016.
[3] 任意各向异性介质三维有限元航空电磁响应模拟,吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2018.
[4] 解析信号和水平导数法超贫铁矿磁探测—以内蒙古凉城铁矿为例,世界地质,2013,32(4),839-846.
[5] Case study of Geothermal Geophysics Exploration in Changbai Mountain Region. The 5th International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2012.
[6] 3D frequency airborne electromagnetic modeling including topography with direct solution, AGU fall meeting, 2015.
[7] Simulation and analysis of GPR signal based on stochastic media model with an ellipsoidal autocorrelation function, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2013.
[8] 基于Dias模型的天然场激发极化法有效参数[J].科学技术与工程,2022,22(03):939-944.
[9] A fast and efficient discrete evolutionary algorithm for the uncapacitated facility location problem,Expert Systems with Applications,Volume 213,Part B,2023.